Our vision to share God's love around the world
I want to briefly tell you about the vision that we have to see the love of God shared all over the world. Never before has there been so many opportunities for us to fulfill Jesus’ great commission to make disciples of all nations.
In the past century, we have seen our ability ‘to go’ into all the world absolutely transformed through the industrial revolution. With the advent of cars, planes and trains, as well as radio and television, we can now boldly go to places that have never been reached before. While these new ways to travel and communicate have dramatically altered our ability to reach more people in more places, I truly believe that the advent of the Internet has the same potential. Or dare I say, that the Internet has even greater potential to transform the face of missions on the earth today. My wife and I first learned of the power of the Internet back in 1999 when I uploaded a sermon illustration called Father’s Love Letter to a newly created website. Never in our wildest dreams would we have imagined the global impact that this one love letter would have. Millions of people from nearly every nation in the world have visited FathersLoveLetter.com at one time or another. Thousands have shared with us how their lives were deeply impacted simply by watching, reading, or listening to this message in one of the 125+ language translations available on our site. We have heard many stories of people coming to Christ, getting emotionally healed and having powerful encounters with the love of God, without any human intervention ...right on the Internet! These stories have built our faith over the years and encouraged us to develop other ways to share God’s goodness online. Whether it is through our daily blog at 365promises.com, the streaming of free inspirational and teaching videos at fatherheart.tv, or our live video webcasts... Over the years, we have seen firsthand how powerfully God can transform people through this powerful new medium. The digital revolution that is now upon us, has allowed anyone to be able to capture their own thoughts and ideas and instantly share them on the Internet. What used to cost a lot of money in the early days of this technology, now costs virtually nothing today. E-books, HD videos, audio files, blogs, etc. ... are all within the grasp of the everyday user to freely share. To think that anyone can write or record something that can be captured in binary code (which is a series of zeros and ones) and then send it around the world, is amazing to me! I am not sure about the mechanics of it all, but as far as I can tell, the digital code disassembles when we send it along the Internet pipeline and then reassembles on the other end in the exact form that we created it. To me this is truly a modern day miracle! While we have seen this happen on our own websites millions of times, it never ceases to amaze me personally. I still don’t understand how it all works, but I am in awe of how God can breathe His life into a series of zeros and ones to create a digital expression of His heart. While Paul the Apostle had the newly built Romans roads to take the gospel throughout his known world, we now have the Internet that allows each one of us to be in multiple places at the same time! I believe that when Jesus said that we would do greater works than Him, I think this is one of the greater works He foresaw. 64% of the world's population now has Internet access worldwide and that statistic is growing at an exponential rate. There are many places in the world that are not easily accessible by traditional forms of travel but yet they have high speed Internet access. I believe that our God and Father will use any medium and any form of communication to impart His love through willing vessels like you and me. Our role is to simply continue to create more opportunities for God’s love to go to the uttermost parts of the world through this generation’s new Roman road called the Internet. If you are interested in helping, more than anything, we welcome your prayers. Beyond that, you can participate in our webcasts, arrange church or small group Skype broadcasts with us. If you have been encouraged by one of our websites and would like to help us continue to create new ways to share the good news on the Internet, we would welcome your support. We are continually dreaming of new ways to inspire, encourage, teach and evangelize on the Internet but we can't do it alone. Visit our DONATE PAGE if you would like to financially come alongside of us. In Father's Amazing love, Barry Adams Father Heart Communications |